Creates a new lead in the CRM.
Name | Type | Required | Example |
mode | String | Y | insert/update 'insert' or 'update' - if mode is 'update' then 'policy_id' is required |
policy_id | Integer | N | 123456 Polciy id to (only required for "update" mode) |
lead_id | Integer | Y | 123456 The lead this policy belongs to |
policy_name | String | N | MEDICARE ADVANTAGE The type/name of the policy |
policy_number | String | N | ACC63123 |
primary_agent | Integer | N | 1001 The CRM userID owner of this policy |
agent_agency | String | N | Bob Smith Name of Primary Agent |
owner | String | N | Jane Doe Name of person who owns this policy |
carrier | String | N | Aetna Name of policy carrier |
premium | Decimal | N | 123.45 Annual Primium Amount |
issued_premium_amount | String | N | 123.45 Premium Amount at time of issuance |
cash_value | String | N | 123.45 Cash value or "Face Amount" |
policy_notes_nv | JSON Encoded String | N | {"Field Name": "Val 1", "Pretty Two": "Value 2"} Will be converted into HTML Notes like <b>Field:</b> value<br> |
source | String | N | api Value shoule be "api" or "auto issued" if it came from a parser file |
effective_date | DateTime | N | 2021-03-01 Date the policy went into effective |
status_date | DateTime | N | 2021-03-01 Also "Case Submision Date" or "Application Date" |
submitted_date | DateTime | N | 2021-02-25 Also "WRITTEN_DATE" or "AppSubmitDate" |
status | String | N | ACTIVE Should match values in the status conversion array (SUBMITTED, ACTIVE, LAPSED, CANCELED, DECLINED, etc) |
source_submitted_id | String | N | X1234 ID Given prior to issue, also "NewCaseID" |
source_issued_id | String | N | X1234 An issuance "PolicyID" other than Policy Number |
paid_to_date | String | N | 2021-12-31 Also "DUE_DATE" |
replacement | YN | N | Y Y/N - "Y" means this policy is a replacement policy |
modal_premium | Decimal | N | 123.45 ARIS-Only Field |
monthly | String | N | 12 ARIS-Only Field : 12=annual, etc |
Name | Type | Example |
status | Integer | 0 |
status_message | String | Success |
policy_id | Integer | 12345 |